Para encender tu dispositivo solo has de decir: "Alexa, enciende " Añade tus dispositivos (con un nombre y su dirección MAC) en la web, activa el Skill y busca tus dispositivos!
I use windows 10 on all systems and the primary router is connected to another asus router. Find out why 70 of our users switched to us after using TeamViewer and how to.

I can see the option in teamviewer to wake the systems but NONE of them work. Ability to connect within the local network without Internet access. *PRIMERO DE TODO SE HAN DE AÑADIR LOS DISPOSITIVOS EN LA WEB HTTPS://Įsta skill solo permite ENCENDER dispositivos compatibles con la tecnología "wake on lan".Įnciende dispositivos de tu red a través de la tecnología Wake on Lan (WoL). In teamviewer I selected the public option and copied and paste my IP number for the router, not the which is my gateway and dns for all the systems on the network. If the device is in the network of one of your amazon compatible devices will turn on immediately. To turn on your device you just have to say: "Alexa, turn on " Add your devices (with a name and your MAC address) on this website (using the login with Amazon button), activate the Skill and search your devices! Turn on devices on your network through Wake on Lan (WoL) technology. This skill only allows to turn on devices compatible with the technology "wake on lan". * FIRST OF ALL YOU HAVE TO ADD THE DEVICES ON THIS WEBSITE